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a petty king

  • 1 nessekonge

    subst. petty king

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > nessekonge

  • 2 småkonge

    subst. petty king

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > småkonge

  • 3 reyezuelo

    1 a petty king.
    2 kinglet. (Ornate)
    3 petty monarch.
    * * *
    1 peyorativo (rey) kinglet
    2 (ave) goldcrest
    reyezuelo sencillo goldcrest
    * * *
    1) (=monarca) petty king, kinglet
    2) (Orn)
    * * *
    1) (pey) ( rey débil) kinglet (pej)
    2) (Zool) kinglet (AmE), goldcrest (BrE)
    * * *
    1) (pey) ( rey débil) kinglet (pej)
    2) (Zool) kinglet (AmE), goldcrest (BrE)
    * * *
    A ( pey) (rey débil) kinglet ( pej)
    B ( Zool) kinglet ( AmE), goldcrest ( BrE)
    * * *
    * * *
    m ZO kinglet, Br

    Spanish-English dictionary > reyezuelo

  • 4 rēgulus

        rēgulus ī, m dim.    [rex], a ruler of a small country, petty king, prince, chieftain, lord: reguli in unum convenerunt, S.— A king's son, prince, member of a royal family, L.
    * * *
    petty king, prince; Regulus (Roman consul captured by Carthaginians)
    Regulus; (Roman consul captured by Carthaginians)

    Latin-English dictionary > rēgulus

  • 5 Regulus

    rēgŭlus, i, m. dim. [rex].
    The ruler of a small country (Gr. dunastês), a petty king, prince, chieftain, lord (freq. in the historians;

    not in Cæs. or Cic.): regulos se acceptos in fidem in Hispaniā reges reliquisse,

    Liv. 37, 25; Sall. J. 11, 2; Liv. 5, 38; 27, 4; 29, 4 al.:

    Cilicum reguli,

    Tac. A. 2, 80; id. Agr. 24; Suet. Calig. 5; Vulg. Josue, 13, 3 al.—
    Of the king-bee, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 18.—
    A king ' s son, a prince (cf. rex and regina), Liv. 42, 24, 10; 45, 14, 6 al.—
    A small bird, Auct. Carm. Phil. 13.—
    A kind of serpent, Hier. in Isa. 16, 59, 6; Vulg. Prov. 23, 32; id. Isa. 30, 6.
    Rēgŭlus, i, m., a Roman surname.
    Of the Atilii, among whom was the celebrated [p. 1554] consul M. Atilius Regulus, who was taken prisoner by the Carthaginians in the first Punic war, Cic. Off. 3, 26, 99; id. Fin. 2, 20, 65; Sen. Prov. 4, 5; cf. Gell. 6, 4, 1 sqq.; Sen. Prov. 3, 4 and 9 sqq.—
    Of the Livineii, Auct. B. Afr. 89, 3; Cic. Fam. 13, 60, 1; id. Att. 3, 17, 1.—
    Another, called by Modestus omnium bipedum nequissimus, Plin. Ep. 1, 5, 14.—
    Aquilius Regulus, Tac. A. 3, 42.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Regulus

  • 6 regulus

    rēgŭlus, i, m. dim. [rex].
    The ruler of a small country (Gr. dunastês), a petty king, prince, chieftain, lord (freq. in the historians;

    not in Cæs. or Cic.): regulos se acceptos in fidem in Hispaniā reges reliquisse,

    Liv. 37, 25; Sall. J. 11, 2; Liv. 5, 38; 27, 4; 29, 4 al.:

    Cilicum reguli,

    Tac. A. 2, 80; id. Agr. 24; Suet. Calig. 5; Vulg. Josue, 13, 3 al.—
    Of the king-bee, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 18.—
    A king ' s son, a prince (cf. rex and regina), Liv. 42, 24, 10; 45, 14, 6 al.—
    A small bird, Auct. Carm. Phil. 13.—
    A kind of serpent, Hier. in Isa. 16, 59, 6; Vulg. Prov. 23, 32; id. Isa. 30, 6.
    Rēgŭlus, i, m., a Roman surname.
    Of the Atilii, among whom was the celebrated [p. 1554] consul M. Atilius Regulus, who was taken prisoner by the Carthaginians in the first Punic war, Cic. Off. 3, 26, 99; id. Fin. 2, 20, 65; Sen. Prov. 4, 5; cf. Gell. 6, 4, 1 sqq.; Sen. Prov. 3, 4 and 9 sqq.—
    Of the Livineii, Auct. B. Afr. 89, 3; Cic. Fam. 13, 60, 1; id. Att. 3, 17, 1.—
    Another, called by Modestus omnium bipedum nequissimus, Plin. Ep. 1, 5, 14.—
    Aquilius Regulus, Tac. A. 3, 42.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > regulus

  • 7 neskonungr

    m. ‘ness-king’, petty king.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > neskonungr

  • 8 reyecico

    m. & diminut.
    a petty king, the king of a small kingdom.

    Spanish-English dictionary > reyecico

  • 9 Zaunkönig

    m ORN. wren
    * * *
    der Zaunkönig
    * * *
    m (ORN)
    * * *
    (a type of very small bird.) wren
    * * *
    m wren
    * * *
    der wren
    * * *
    Zaunkönig m ORN wren
    * * *
    der wren
    * * *
    gold crest n.
    petty king n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Zaunkönig

  • 10 régulo

    1 Regulus.
    2 regulus, metallic mass deposited during smelting.
    3 kinglet.
    4 Régulo.
    * * *
    SM frm kinglet, petty king

    Spanish-English dictionary > régulo

  • 11 roitelet

    roitelet [ʀwat(ə)lε]
    masculine noun
    ( = oiseau) wren
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) ( oiseau) goldcrest
    2) ( petit roi) kinglet
    * * *
    ʀwat(ə)lɛ nm
    1) ZOOLOGIE wren
    2) péjoratif petty king
    * * *
    1 ( oiseau) goldcrest, firecrest;
    2 ( petit roi) kinglet.
    [rwatlɛ] nom masculin
    2. [oiseau] wren (UK), winter wren (US)

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > roitelet

  • 12 རྒྱལ་རིགས་ཆ་ཤས་

    [rgyal rigs cha shas]
    petty king, vassal, feudatory prince

    Tibetan-English dictionary > རྒྱལ་རིགས་ཆ་ཤས་

  • 13 རྒྱལ་ཕྲན་

    [rgyal phran]
    kingdom, vassal, feudatory chief, surrounding country, petty king, feudatory prince

    Tibetan-English dictionary > རྒྱལ་ཕྲན་

  • 14 fylkiskonungr

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fylkiskonungr

  • 15 cacique

    (Sp. model spelled same [kasíke]; from the Taino word for 'chief or petty king')
       A term used in the Southwest to apply to an Indian village chieftain or a local political boss. This term is used outside of the Southwest and originated in the West Indies, where it referred to a native chief or prince. The DRAE notes that the principal meaning of this term is a lord or chief in an Indian community. By extension, it may also be used in Spanish to refer to an influential political boss or to any person who abuses his authority over others. Cobos references it as a "Pueblo Indian chief and ceremonial leader." Santamaría indicates that in Mexico it is used contemptuously to mean a despot or no-account tyrant.
        Alternate forms: casick, casique.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > cacique

  • 16 Sampsiceramus

    Sampsĭcĕrămus, i, m., a humorous designation of Pompey in Cicero ' s letters (after a petty king of Emesa conquered by him), Cic. Att. 2, 14, 1; 2, 16, 2; 2, 17, 2.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Sampsiceramus

  • 17 βασιλίσκος

    βασιλίσκος, ου, ὁ (Polyb. 3, 44, 5; Plut., Mor. 1d v.l.; Athen. 13, 20 p. 566b; OGI 200, 18; POxy 1566, 9; Sb 6949, 18 and 28; TestAbr A) dim. of βασιλεύς petty king, v.l. in J 4:46 and 49.—DELG s.v. βασιλεύς.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > βασιλίσκος

  • 18 राजन् _rājan

    राजन् m. [राज्-कनिन् रञ्जयति रञ्ज्-कनिन् नि ˚ वा Uṇ.1.145] A king, ruler, prince, chief (changed to राजः at the end of Tat. comp.); वङ्गराजः, महाराजः &c.; तथैव सो$भूदन्वर्थो राजा प्रकृतिरञ्जनात् R.4.12; पित्रा न रञ्जितास्तस्य प्रजास्तेनानु- रञ्जिताः । अनुरागात्ततस्तस्य नाम राजेत्यभाषत ॥ V. P.
    -2 A man of the military casts; a Kṣatriya; Śi 14.14.
    -3 N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.
    -4 N. of Indra.
    -5 The moon; राजप्रियाः कैरविण्यो रमन्ते मधुपैःसह Bv.1.126.
    -6 Lord, master.
    -7 N. of Pṛithu.
    -8 A Yakṣa; तं राजराजानु- चरो$स्य साक्षात् Ki.3.3.
    -9 The Soma plant; ऐन्द्रश्च विधिवद्दत्तो राजा चाभिषुतो$नघः Rām.1.14.6; Bṛi. Up.1.3. 24.
    -Comp. -अग्निः wrath of a king.
    -अङ्गनम् a royal court, the court-yard of a palace.
    -अदनः 1 the Piyāla tree.
    -2 The seed of the tree Chirongia Sapida; राजादनं कन्दरालम् Śiva B.3.15.
    -अधिकारिन्, -अधिकृतः 1 a government officer or official.
    -2 a judge.
    -अधिराजः, -इन्द्रः a king of kings, a supreme king, paramount sovereign, an emperor.
    -अधिष्ठानम् the capital of a king, metropolis.
    -अध्वन् m. a principal or royal road, main street, highway.
    -अनकः 1 an inferior king, a petty prince.
    -2 a title of respect for- merly given to distinguished scholars and poets.
    -अन्नम् 1 rice grown in Āndhra.
    -2 food obtain- ed from a king; राजान्नं तेज आदत्ते Ms.4.218.
    -अपसदः an unworthy or degraded king.
    -अभिषेकः coronation of a king.
    -अम्लः a kind of vegetable plant; Rumex Vesicarius (Mar. चुका).
    -अर्कः Calotropis Gigantea (मन्दार; Mar. रुई).
    -अर्हम् 1 aloewood, a spe- cies of sandal.
    -2 a kind of rice (राजान्न).
    -अर्हणम् a royal gift of honour.
    -अहिः a large snake (having two mouths).
    -आज्ञा a king's edict, an ordinance, a royal decree.
    -आभरणम् a king's ornament.
    -आम्रः a superior kind of mango.
    -आवर्तः a diamond of an in- ferior quality.
    -2 a diamond from Virāṭa country.
    -आवलिः, -ली a royal dynasty or genealogy.
    -आसनम् a throne.
    -आसन्दी Ved. a stand on which the Soma is placed.
    -इन्दुः an excellent king; दिलीप इति राजेन्दुरिन्दुः क्षीरनिधाविव R.1.12.
    -इष्टः a kind of onion. (
    -ष्टम्) = राजान्न q. v.
    -उपकरणम् (pl.) the paraphernalia of a king, the insignia of royalty.
    -उपसेवा royal service; Ms.3.64.
    -ऋषिः (
    राजऋषिः or
    राजर्षिः) a royal sage, a saint-like prince, a man of the Kṣatriya caste who, by his pious life and austere devotion, comes to be regarded as a sage or riṣi; e. g. पुरूरवस्, जनक, विश्वामित्र.
    -कन्या, -कन्यका a princess.
    -करः a tax or tribute paid to the king.
    -करणम् a law-court.
    -कर्णः an ele- phant's tusk.
    -कर्तृ m. a person who assists at a corona- tion; समेत्य राजकर्तारः सभामीयुर्द्विजातयः Rām.2.67.2.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 the duty of a king.
    -2 royal service; cf. Ms.7.125.
    -कला a crescent of the moon (the 16th part of the moon's disc).
    -कलिः a bad king; cf. अशरण्यः प्रजानां यः स राजा कलिरुच्यते Mb.12.12.29.
    -कार्यम्, -कृत्यम् 1 state-affairs.
    -2 royal command.
    -कुमारः a prince.
    -कुलम् 1 a royal family, a king's family; अग्निरापः स्त्रियो मूर्खः सर्पो राजकुलानि च H.; नदीनां शस्त्रपाणीनां नखिनां शृङ्गिणां तथा । विश्वासो नैव कर्तव्यः स्त्रीषु राजकुलेषु च ॥ ibid.
    -2 the court of a king; आ दास्याः पुत्रि राजकुलं <?>ल्येतत् Nāg.3.12/13.
    -3 a court of justice; (राजकुले कथ् or निविद् caus. means 'to sue one in a court of law, lodge a complaint against).
    -4 a royal palace.
    -5 a king, master (as a respectful mode of speaking).
    -6 a royal servant; बध्नन्ति घ्नन्ति लुम्पन्ति दृप्तं राजकुलानि वै Bhāg. 1.41.36.
    -कोशनिघण्टुः also
    -व्यवहारकोशः N. of a dictionary in Shivaji's time compiled by his minister Raghunātha Paṇḍita.
    -क्षवकः a kind of mustard.
    -गामिन् 1 a. escheating to the sovereign (as the property of a person having no heir).
    -2 brought before the king (as slander); Ms.11.55.
    -गिरिः N. of a mountain in Magadha.
    -गुरुः a royal counsellor.
    -गुह्यम् a royal mystery; राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् Bg.9.2.
    -गृहम् 1 a royal dwelling, royal palace.
    -2 N. of a chief city in Magadha (about 75 or 8 miles from Pāṭali- putra).
    -ग्रीवः a kind of fish.
    - a. sharp, hot. (
    -घः) a king-killer, regicide.
    -चिह्नम् 1 insignia of royalty, regalia.
    -2 the stamp on a coin.
    -चिह्नकम् the organ of generation (उपस्थ).
    -जक्ष्मन् = राजयक्ष्मन् q. v.
    -तरङ्गिणी N. of a celebrated historical poem treating of the kings of Kāśmīra by Kalhaṇa.
    -तरुः the कर्णि- कार tree,
    -तालः, ताली the betel-nut tree; राजतालीवनध्वनिः R.
    -दण्डः 1 a king's sceptre.
    -2 royal authority.
    -3 punishment inflicted by a king.
    -4 fine payable to a king.
    -दन्तः (for दन्तानां राजा) the front tooth; राजौ द्विजानामिह राजदन्ताः N.7.46; 'राजन्ते सुतनोर्मनोरमतमास्ते राज- दन्ताः पुरः' (शृङ्गारधनदशतकम् 67).
    -दूतः a king's ambas- sador, an envoy.
    -दृशद् f. the larger or lower mill- stone.
    -देयम्, -भागम् the royal claim, tax; न वृत्त्या परितुष्यन्ति राजदेयं हरन्ति च Mb.12.56.59.
    -दौवारिकः 1 = राजद्वारिकः q. v.
    -2 a royal messenger; Hch.4.
    -द्रोहः high treason, sedition, rebellion.
    -द्रोहिन् m. a traitor.
    -द्वार् f.,
    -द्वारम् the gate of royal palace; राजद्वारे श्मशाने च यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः Subhāṣ.
    -द्वारिकः a royal porter.
    -धर्मः 1 a king's duty.
    -2 a law or rule relating to kings (oft. in pl.).
    -धानम्, -धानकम्, -धानिका, -धानी the king's residence, the capital, metropolis, the seat of government; तौ दम्पती स्वां प्रति राजधानीं (प्रस्थापयामास) R.2.7.
    -धान्यम् Panicum Frumentaceum (Mar. सांवा).
    -धामन् n. a royal palace.
    -धुर् f.,
    -धुरा the burden or responsibility of government.
    -नयः, -नीतिः f. admini- stration of a state, administration of government, poli- tics, statesmanship.
    -नामन् m. Trichosanthes Dioeca (Mar. पडवळ).
    -नारायणः (in music) a kind of measure.
    -निघण्टुः N. of a dictionary of Materia Me- dica.
    -नीलम् an emerald.
    -पट्टः 1 a diamond of inferior quality.
    -2 a royal fillet.
    -पट्टिका f. the Chātaka bird.
    -पदम् royalty, sovereignty.
    -पथः, -पद्धतिः f. =
    राजमार्ग q. v.
    -पिण्डः the maintenance given by a king; अवश्यं राजपिण्डस्तैर्निवेश्य इति मे मतिः Mb.3.36.16.
    -पिण्डा a species of date.
    -पुंस् m. a royal servant.
    -पुत्रः 1 a prince.
    -2 a Kṣatriya, a man of the military tribe.
    -3 the planet Mercury.
    -4 N. of a mixed caste.
    -5 a Rajpoot.
    -5 A kind of mango.
    -पुत्रिका 1 a kind of bird.
    -2 Princess.
    -पुत्री 1 a princess.
    -2 a female of the Rajpoota tribe.
    -3 N. of several plants:-- जाती, मालती, कटुतुम्बी &c.
    -4 a kind of perfume (रेणुका).
    -5 a musk rat.
    -6 a kind of metal; also राजपत्नी.
    -पुरम् a royal city.
    -पुरुषः 1 a king's servant.
    -2 a minister.
    -पुष्पः the नागकेसर tree.
    -पूगः a kind of Areca-nut palm; Bhāg.4.6.17.
    -पौरुषिकः a royal servant; Mb.13.126.24.
    -प्रकृतिः a king's minister.
    -प्रसादः royal favour.
    -प्रेष्यः a king's servant. (
    -ष्यम्) royal service (more correctly राजप्रैष्य).
    -फणिञ्झकः an orange tree.
    -वदरम् salt.
    -बीजिन्, -वंश्य a. a scion of royalty, of royal descent.
    -भट्टिका a species of water-fowl.
    -भृतः a king's soldier.
    -भृत्यः 1 a royal servant or minister.
    -2 any public or govern- ment officer.
    -भोगः a king's meal, royal repast.
    -भोग्यम् nutmeg.
    -भौतः a king's fool or jester.
    -मणिः a royal gem.
    -मन्त्रधरः, -मन्त्रिन् m. a king's counsellor.
    -महिषी the chief queen.
    -मार्गः 1 a highway, high road, a royal or main road, principal street.
    -2 the way, me- thod or procedure of kings.
    -मार्तण्डः, -मृगाङ्कः (in music) a kind of measure.
    -माषः a kind of bean.
    -मुद्रा the royal seal.
    -यक्ष्मः, -यक्ष्मन् m. 'consumption of the moon', pulmonary consumption, consumption in general; राजयक्ष्मपरिहानिराययौ कामयानसमवस्थया तुलाम् R.19.5; राजयक्ष्मेव रोगाणां समूहः स महीभृताम् Śi.2.96; (for explana- tion of the word see Malli. thereon, as well as on Śi. 13.29).
    -यानम् a royal vehicle, a palanouin.
    -युध्वन् m.
    1 a king's soldier.
    -2 one who fights with a king; P.III.2.95.
    -योगः 1 a configuration of planets, asterisms &c. at the birth of a man which indicates that he is destined to be a king.
    -2 an easy mode of religious meditation (fit for kings to practise), as dis- tinguished form the more rigorous one called हठयोग q. v.
    -रङ्गम् silver.
    -राक्षसः a bad king.
    -राज् m.
    1 a supreme king.
    -2 the moon.
    -राजः 1 a supreme king, sovereign lord, an emperor.
    -2 N. of Kubera; अन्तर्बाष्प- श्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ Me.3.
    -3 the moon.
    -राज्यम् the state or dignity of Kubera; स्वर्लोके राजराज्येन सो$भि- षिच्येत भार्गव Mb.13.85.53.
    -रीतिः f. bell-metal.
    -लक्षणम् 1 any mark on a man's body indicating future royalty. royal insignia, regalia.
    -लक्ष्मन् n. royal insignia. (-m.) N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.
    -लक्ष्मीः, -श्रीः f. the fortune or pros- perity of a king (personified as a goddess), the glory or majesty of a king; स न्यस्तचिह्नामपि राजलक्ष्मीम् R.2.7.
    -लिङ्गम् a kingly mark.
    -लेखः a royal edict.
    -लोकः a. collection of princes or kings.
    -वंशः a dynasty of kings.
    -वंशावली genealogy of kings, royal pedigree.
    -वर्चसम् kingly rank or dignity.
    -वर्तः cloth of various colours.
    -वल्लभः 1 a king's favourite.
    -2 a kind of mango.
    -3 a kind of Jujube.
    -वसतिः 1 dwelling in a king's court.
    -2 a royal palace.
    -वाहः a horse.
    -वाह्यः a royal elephant.
    -विः the bluy jay.
    -विजयः (in music) a kind of Rāga.
    -विद्या 'royal policy', king- craft, state-policy, statesmanship; Bg.9.2; (cf. राजनय); so
    -राजशास्त्रम्; वीराश्च नियतोत्साहा राजशास्त्रमनुष्ठिताः Rām.1. 7.12.
    -विहारः a royal convent.
    -वृक्षः the tree Cassia Fistula; गुच्छैः कृतच्छविरराजत राजवृक्षः Rām. Ch.5.9.
    -वृत्तम् the conduct or occupation of a king; (कच्चित्) प्रजाः पालयसे राजन् राजवृत्तेन धार्मिक Rām.1.52.7.
    -वृत्तिः the works of a king; प्रत्यक्षाप्रत्यक्षानुमेया हि राजवृत्तिः Kau. A.1.9.
    -शफरः a Hilsā fish; L. D. B.
    -शासनम् a royal edict; दिवा चरेयुः कार्यार्थं चिह्निता राजशासनैः Ms.1.55.
    -शृङ्गम् a royal umbrella with a golden handle.
    -शेखरः N. of a poet.
    -संसद् f.,
    -सभा f. a court of justice.
    -सदनम् a palace.
    -सर्पः a kind of snake-devouring snake.
    -सर्षपः black mustard (the seed used as a weight; त्रसरेणवो$ष्टौ विज्ञेया लिक्षैका परिमाणतः । ता राजसर्षपस्तिस्रस्ते त्रयो गौरसर्षपः ॥ Ms.8.133).
    -सायुज्यम् sovereignty.
    -सारसः a peacock.
    -सूयः, -यम् 1 a great sacrifice performed by a universal monarch (in which the tributary princes also took part) at the time of his coronation as a mark of his undisputed sovereignty; राजा वै राजसूयेनेष्ट्वा भवति Śat Br.; cf. सम्राट् also; राजा तत्र सूयते तस्माद् राजसूयः । राज्ञो वा यज्ञो राजसूयः ŚB. on MS.4.4.1.
    -2 a lotus.
    -3 a mountain.
    - सौधः a king's palace.
    -स्कन्धः a horse.
    -स्थानाधिकारः Viceroyalty.
    -स्थानीयः a viceroy, governor.
    -स्वम् 1 royal property; राजस्वं श्रोत्रियस्वं च न भोगेन प्रणश्यति Ms.8.149.
    -2 tribute, revenue.
    -स्वर्णः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -स्वामिन् m. N. of Viṣṇu.
    -हंसः a flamingo (a sort of white goose with red legs and bill); संपत्स्यन्ते नभसि भवतो राजहंसाः सहायाः Me.11; कूजितं राजहंसानां नेदं नूपुरशिञ्जितम् V.
    -हत्या regicide.
    -हस्तिन् m. a royal elephant, i. e. a lordly and handsome elephant.
    -हासकः a kind of fish; L. D. B.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > राजन् _rājan

  • 19 JARL

    * * *
    (-s, -ar), m.
    1) poet. a highborn, noble man or warrior;
    2) earl (in dignity next to the king).
    * * *
    m., older form earl, [Hel. erl; A. S. eorl; Engl. earl]: this word had a double sense, one old and common to the Saxons as well as the earliest Scandinavians, one later and specifically Norse, which afterwards became English through the Norse and Danish invasion, and was finally established by the Norman Conquest.
    A. A gentle, noble man, a warrior, and collect. gentlefolk, as opp. to the churl folk or common people (karlar, búendr); thus the old poem Rígsmál distinguishes three classes, earls, churls, and thralls (jarla-ætt, karla-ætt, þræla-ætt); so also in A. S. eorl and ceorl are almost proverbially opposed; in the old Saxon poem Heliand, ‘erl’ is used about a hundred times = a man. Prof. Munch suggested that the name of the Teutonic people Eruli or Heruli simply represents an appellative ( warriors), which the Roman writers took to be a proper name. In the Scandin. countries this use of jarl is rare and obsolete, but remains in poët. phrases, in old saws, and in law phrases; oddar görva jarli megin, spears make the earl’s might, Mkv.; rudda ek sem jarlar forðum mér til landa, I won me lands like the earls of yore, Glúm, (in a verse): jarls yndi, an earl’s delight = a man’s delight, Hm. 96; jörlum öllum óðal batni, Gh. 21; hlaðit ér, earlar, eikiköstinn, 20; ítrar jarla-brúðir, ‘earl’s-brides,’ ladies, Gkv. 1. 3; alsnotrir jarlar, the gentle earls, 2; eggja ek yðr, jarlar, Am. 54; jarla einbani, ‘earl-slayer’ = ανδροκτόνος, Em., Hkm.; karl-fólk ok jarla, churlfolk and earl folk, Sighvat; eitt mein sækir hvern jarl, every earl (man) has his ill luck, Fb. ii. (in a verse): in the law, jarls jörð, an earl’s estate, is opp. to konungs jörð, a king’s estate, in the phrase, hálfan rétt skal hann taka er hann kömr á jarls jörð, en þá allan ok fullan er hann kömr á konungs jörð, Grág. (Kb.) i. 192, for this is undoubtedly the bearing of this disputed passage; jarlmaðr is opp. to búkarl, Fms. vii. (in a verse); so also karlmaðr (q. v.) in its oldest sense is opp. to jarlmaðr, = churl-man and earl-man; hirð-jarl = hirðmaðr, Fms. xi. 302, v. l.; berg-jarl, poët. a ‘crag-earl’ = a giant, Edda (in a verse); bak-jarl, a ‘back-earl,’ an enemy in one’s rear; of-jarl (q. v.), an ‘over-earl,’ an overbearing man.
    B. A chief, as a title, specially Norse and Danish. The Landnáma, which is almost our only source for the political and personal history of Norway before king Harald Fairhair and the settlement of Iceland, records several chiefs of the 8th and 9th centuries who bore an earl’s name as a family dignity; Ívarr Upplendinga-jarl (Upplönd, a Norse county), Asbjörn jarl Skerja-blesi, Eyvindr jarl, 317; Atli jarl Mjóvi af Gaulum (a Norse county), Þorkell Naumdæla-jarl (earl in Naumdale, a Norse county), 281; Grjótgarðr jarl í Sölva (a county), 297: and as a family title, the famous Háleygja-jarlar (the earls of the Norse county Hálogaland, whose pedigree from Odin was drawn out in the old poem Háleygja-tal; Hákon jarl Grjótgarðsson, etc.): so also the Mæra-jarlar, the earls of Mæri (a Norse county), the foremost of whom was Rögnvaldr Mæra-jarl, the forefather of the earls of the Orkneys (Orkneyja-jarlar) and the earls of Rouen (Rúðu-jarlar = the dukes of Normandy).
    II. along with the Danish and Norse invasion the name appears in England, Bjartmár jarl in Ireland, Landn.; Hunda-Steinarr, an earl in England, id.; see also the Saxon Chronicle passim, where the very name indicates a Danish or Norse connexion. It is very likely that many of the earls of the Landnáma were sovereign chiefs, differing from kings only in title, for in old poetry a king and an earl were addressed in the same way.
    III. about the time of Harald Fairhair all the petty chiefs became liegemen under one king, the earl being in dignity nearest the king, answering to comes in mid. Lat. and graf in Germ. In Scandinavia both name and office became extinct about the 13th century: in Iceland, being a commonwealth, it never took root; see however Gizur jarl (died A. D. 1268) in the Sturlunga.—For references see the Sagas passim, esp. Har. S. Harf. ch. 6.
    IV. in eccl. translation the Roman procurator provinciae is often rendered by jarl, e. g. Pílatus jarl, earl Pilate, Ver. 67, Pass. 20. 2.
    COMPDS: jarlakappi, jarlaskáld, Jarlasögur, jarlsefni, jarlsmaðr, jarlsníð, jarlsríki, jarlssæti.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > JARL

  • 20 τετραάρχης

    τετραάρχης, ου, ὁ (some edd. spell it τετράρχης; on this s. B-D-F §124; W-S.§5, 24b; Mlt.-H. 63 al.) a petty prince dependent on Rome and with rank and authority lower than those of a king, tetrarch (Strabo, Joseph., ins: s. the reff. in Schürer I 333–35 n. 12. Also Plut., Anton. 942 [56, 7]; 943 [58, 11]; Polyaenus 8, 39), orig., ruler of the fourth part of a region (Strabo 12, 5, 1 [567]); later, when the orig. sense was wholly lost (Appian, Mithrid. 46 §178; 58 §236 there are more than four Galatian tetrarchs), title of a petty prince who ruled by courtesy of Rome. In our lit. Herod Antipas is given this title (as well as in OGI 416, 3; 417, 4; Jos., Ant. 17, 188; 18, 102; 109; 122) Mt 14:1; Lk 3:19; 9:7; Ac 13:1; ISm 1:2.—BNiese, RhM n.s. 38, 1883, 583ff; Pauly-W. 2, IV 1089–97; Kl. Pauly V 632f; BHHW III 1956f.—DELG s.v. ἀρχω C. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > τετραάρχης

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